The forum supports the ongoing education efforts of other organizations in the Anderson area and beyond.

GAIN – Greater Anderson Interfaith Network

GAIN is a recently formed Interfaith group formed to forge understanding and cooperation among the many faith traditions represented within the upstate. We believe that all faith traditions share many common values and goals and that through education and cooperation we can better serve our communities. To that end, we have initiated the Finding Common Ground series of programs at the county library to provide a neutral location where interested persons can learn about and explore some of the faiths practiced within the Anderson area. 

Interfaith Forum

The Greenville, S.C.-based Interfaith Forum tries to build understanding, respect, dialogue and cooperation among the various religious groups in the community, the region, the nation and the world. It is affiliated with the United Religions Initiative, the United Way’s Religious Roundtable, the International Center of the Upstate and Greenville Forward’s Committee for Inclusiveness. Visit

The Dykes Foundation

The D.L. Dykes Foundation sponsors learning events on progressive theology. Through seminars and educational resources, the foundation offers individuals and church groups a way to strengthen their faith and look beyond personal experience to meet the challenges of the larger human community. Visit the foundation’s website for more information:

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